
Monday, April 19, 2010

The Butt End of the Sword


What happens when we are the ones hurt? The ones that suffer the sting of the butt of the sword across the face, and furthermore, unjustly scrutinized for being there when it swung your way? This is where I live right now. This has literally been the thorn in my side for the last 6 months. How is someone to cope with the understanding that they will not be justified when attacked for no reason? I don't know. That, I guess is why I am writing this blog tonight. I want to know what it is that makes sense when nothing else makes sense. Confusion becomes me in this place. What to do...? mmm...

Well, Jesus' response to a convicted adulterer brought before Him for judgment- "stone her, but let the one without sin cast the first stone". When no one threw a stone, and walked away; Jesus said to the accused, "where are your accusers now, they are no where to be found. Now go, and sin no more." I guess that's the meat here. I feel life must be seen through one of two perspectives. One is a Biblical perspective, the other is the carnal worldly perspective. I tend to love the worlds perspective much better most of the time, honestly. Why? Well its easier. It all up for interpretation. There essentially is no rules but the ones you make up for yourself. The problems lies in the fact that I know the truth... I know better. I was raised better than that. The truth being the Biblical perspective. It is the only reality in this life that remains true to love. I believe that in order to find what it is in life that I am looking for, it can only be found through the Biblical perspective. With that redundant statement being made, it leads me to the conclusion that no stone can be thrown through justice. If Jesus is our God and Savior, and we are supposed to follow Him as such; then we never can be justified in throwing stones, even if we are throwing stones back at someone that first threw stones at us.

Jesus was the only one in the crowd that had the right to pick up a rock and bash this accused person's skull in. Yet, with that justified authority, He chose mercy in place of judgment. In the same regard, at the time of His death on the cross at Calvary, after all the judgment He received falsely, He chose to go, not quietly, but with humble strength and honor. The fullness of His character and integrity still intact.

With all my run-on sentences, and statements being made; My conclusion is this: When the butt of the sword of this life hits you where it counts, and all flying under the flag of undeserved hate. We must, if we are choosing the Biblical truth, choose Love as the response to Hatred. Peace as the response to War. Truth as the response to Blatant Lies and Deception. With this as our strength, even our Honor, Chivalry, Integrity, and Character may stay intact as well. Fight the Good Fight my Friends. Never give up.

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