
Monday, April 19, 2010

The Butt End of the Sword


What happens when we are the ones hurt? The ones that suffer the sting of the butt of the sword across the face, and furthermore, unjustly scrutinized for being there when it swung your way? This is where I live right now. This has literally been the thorn in my side for the last 6 months. How is someone to cope with the understanding that they will not be justified when attacked for no reason? I don't know. That, I guess is why I am writing this blog tonight. I want to know what it is that makes sense when nothing else makes sense. Confusion becomes me in this place. What to do...? mmm...

Well, Jesus' response to a convicted adulterer brought before Him for judgment- "stone her, but let the one without sin cast the first stone". When no one threw a stone, and walked away; Jesus said to the accused, "where are your accusers now, they are no where to be found. Now go, and sin no more." I guess that's the meat here. I feel life must be seen through one of two perspectives. One is a Biblical perspective, the other is the carnal worldly perspective. I tend to love the worlds perspective much better most of the time, honestly. Why? Well its easier. It all up for interpretation. There essentially is no rules but the ones you make up for yourself. The problems lies in the fact that I know the truth... I know better. I was raised better than that. The truth being the Biblical perspective. It is the only reality in this life that remains true to love. I believe that in order to find what it is in life that I am looking for, it can only be found through the Biblical perspective. With that redundant statement being made, it leads me to the conclusion that no stone can be thrown through justice. If Jesus is our God and Savior, and we are supposed to follow Him as such; then we never can be justified in throwing stones, even if we are throwing stones back at someone that first threw stones at us.

Jesus was the only one in the crowd that had the right to pick up a rock and bash this accused person's skull in. Yet, with that justified authority, He chose mercy in place of judgment. In the same regard, at the time of His death on the cross at Calvary, after all the judgment He received falsely, He chose to go, not quietly, but with humble strength and honor. The fullness of His character and integrity still intact.

With all my run-on sentences, and statements being made; My conclusion is this: When the butt of the sword of this life hits you where it counts, and all flying under the flag of undeserved hate. We must, if we are choosing the Biblical truth, choose Love as the response to Hatred. Peace as the response to War. Truth as the response to Blatant Lies and Deception. With this as our strength, even our Honor, Chivalry, Integrity, and Character may stay intact as well. Fight the Good Fight my Friends. Never give up.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Today I was playing with a 4.5 Million Volt Stun Gun (I do not recommend this to anyone, very painful, and potentially very dangerous). This gun called the RUNT is one of the most powerful stun guns on the market. I was shocked twice with it for fun, and I thus shocked my companion with it 2 good times. Well I didn't realize when I was shocking this person the second time I was doing it for around 6-7 sec. The gun wasn't making any sounds, so i just kept pushing the button. Needless to say, it caused some damage, and I feel incredibly guilty for hurting this person. I am not talking minor, funny guilt, I'm talking real remorse for hurting someone I love.(I didn't put them into the hospital or anything, it was just a small welt on the backside).I really started beating myself up for this incident. As I was thinking about the recent event, I thought of the motive of fun and playfulness with a hint of aggressive humor I held in my head. I then got some what of a Revelation if you would. The Revelation is when does the thresh hold of fun personal aggressiveness and truly hurting someone get crossed?

Don't we do this with life all the time? We make fun of our friends, and we do things that could be boiled down to personal gratification at another expense? Yeah its part of being a flawed human being. We live in an imperfect fallen world full of pain and suffering, I get it. The question then arises; do we have to contribute? I don't know? This is hard, and can be applied to literally every facet of our lives. It is so easy to fall into the trap of being fallen when you are just that, fallen. I guess I just come from the school of; we were made to be so much more. I mean in the fact that we are Gods kids has got to count for something great. Doesn't it? If God is our Father, and He overcame the world, and then said you can do greater things then I did when I walked this fallen land because of what I did. Well doesn't that seal the deal? I guess that's the blade of this sword we walk on. We balance it carefully or fall victim to its edge at times. I want to be more than victim, I guess I truly want to be victor. I want to overcome this life with love and then come out on top. I don't want to live with the regret and remorse of being someone that is a son of God and still hurts people. I need more. I need so much more than this.... to be continued

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tricky Business in Regards to Life Choices

Today I argue with myself as to what is sound and what is shaken in our world. There is so many choices to make in this life alone, not even mentioning the day by day decisions that must be made. To what end does this constant barrage of choice lead to peace, and more so a conclusion? I guess that depends really..? Some people believe that when one has a peace about a choice made it must have been the right one. Well is it? I'm not sure.. I think there is a tricky business to peace. Is the peace we feel about our life choices really true peace? Or is it merely a selfish band-aid that feeds our pride just enough to numb the mind to such a degree as to numb the conscience? Ah the tricky business of self reflection, the mirror effect. I know its very much unpopular to make someone take a step back and see what the truth is, especially if someone is wrong, and made a choice based on receiving the band-aid and not the true peace. I believe I know this place very well. I think I have invested much in the first aid kit collections. The right or wrong choice is what I'm getting at. I believe it to be so vitally important to self reflect on choices we make in order to see our motive, and also to see the end result of such choices. This is not meant to single the world out against perfect me, that couldn't be farther from my intention. I think this is for me, and I talk in third person to help myself grab perspective. I pray you take something from this, if this is for you.

Here is what is hard about the band-aid; the band-aid numbs the mind, but only for so long doesn't it? The band-aid was never meant to cover the wound (mistake) forever, its simply design to be a temporary relief until something real such as skin can grow back. Unfortunately most people take this concept of the metaphoric and apply to the physical. Some people use time as the facade of healing, when really what is going on under the band-aid is septic, and will cause the gangrene of the soul. It doesn't work does it? The fact remains the band-aid needs to come off and real truth must be accepted as it stands in order to receive the true peace. I don't know about you, but the last time I pulled a band-aid off a bad wound it really hurts! Then you have to see the wound for what it is, and then clean it out and start the healing process from the beginning. I guess that seems to be life's process to show us that we never should have used it in the first place, because it does come at a price.

I guess my challenge to you that read this, as well as to myself, is:
Does the life choices we make good or bad produce true peace? or do they put on the band-aid of false peace which is a numb conscience established by pride? Discover.. and if you find that your a lot deeper into the numbing than you could ever imagine, then that's OK! really.. It all has to start somewhere, it may be painful, and when you pull the band-aid off you may not like how the wound has become worse then you could ever have imagined. its still OK, just start there. Look to God for the healing, and ask Him to bring the true peace into your life. This starts with the right choices. I want to choose a life style of choices that bring true peace, and I hope you do to.

Monday, April 12, 2010

My FIrst Blog

I'm not really sure what to say? I actually am not sure who will be reading this? I guess thats the big mystery right? the thing that makes this whole blog thing exciting? I guess if nothing else i will be speaking to the sound waves of the micro processor in my computer. lol..:) anyway i think that life is tricky business. Love is tricky business, so is hate, desire, betrayal, all of it. I think the goal is how we take the business end of things and apply wisdom to make the deal better. Life is give and take. I guess this blog will change as time goes on. Life is progression. Life is getting past the getting past. i don't know what i will write, all i can say is i think i will write. whether it makes sense or is grammatically correct i will still let my heart speak. i really hope that some of these blogging sessions will be inspiring, and maybe that whoever reads them can see that maybe they aren't alone, or maybe they aren't the only ones that feel the way they feel.